Thursday 11 April 2013

Sowing Seeds

We've grown vegetables before in our back garden using tubs and grow bags. We've had success with runner beans, courgettes, tomatoes, potatoes and really tiny carrots. We haven't grown anything for a few years mainly because we didn't get time to sow everything. This week though we've bought a few bags with seeds in at a bargain price from B&M at 50p a bag, normally £2.99.

Today we decided to sow them and we'll keep them indoors whilst it's still a bit chilly outside to give them a chance at growing.

Inside each bag you get 3 plastic plant pots, a bag of soil and a packet of seeds which varies in quantity depending on which vegetable you buy.

We bought cabbage, courgettes and 2 types of tomatoes.

Here are the Gardener's Delight Tomatoes before we topped them with soil.

Here are the Black Beauty Courgettes before topping them with soil. We bought 2 bags of these as we love courgettes.

Here is the January King Cabbage before we topped them with soil. We've not grown cabbages before so we're not sure how easy these are going to be.

Here are the Roma Tomatoes before topping them with soil.

These were incredibly easy to sow although little sticks in each bag so we could label the pots would have been nice so we're having to keep the seed packets with the pots until we buy some sticks to label them with. Now we hope that we get some veggies from them. We're contemplating buying strawberry plants which I've always wanted as strawberries are so expensive to buy and it's something healthy for the children to eat.

I'm hoping I'll get to do a follow up blog entry about these in a few weeks when we, fingers crossed, get to transfer them to grow bags in the back garden.

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