Thursday 22 September 2011

I Was Asked 'The' Question

Last night I was sat on our bed with Archie, Jorja and Cerys having a little natter before they got in to bed. I can't remember what we were talking about exactly but noticed Archie was staring at my belly whilst the girls were having fun feeling Bubs moving around.

Archie then asked me "Mum how do babies get in mums tummies?"

Now I've been waiting for this question to come up but wasn't expecting it from Archie. I did think to myself do I just say it's a special cuddle between mums and dads or do I go into things a bit more. I decided more detail was the best option.

So I explained how mums have eggs that look like balls and dads have sperms that look like tadpoles, which had Archie giggling. I explained where they are in the body and that there are millions of sperms and how they move to find the egg. I said that when a sperm finds an egg it bashes its head on the egg until it breaks in to it and then it's tail falls off. Again Archie thought that was funny. 

Cerys then asked "It's the dads that choose if a baby is a boy or a girl. Do the dad's know?"

So I then explained how dads and mums have no idea and that all the information that makes a baby a boy or a girl is in the head of the sperm and it is up to luck and which one gets inside the egg.

They seemed pretty happy with that and happily went to bed afterwards.

It's a moment I thought I'd cringe through but it was a very natural conversation and didn't feel like an embarrassing topic to talk about and the children obviously felt ok to ask me more questions.

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