Tuesday 18 October 2011

39 Weeks Pregnant

Another week has passed us by and draws us ever closer to meeting Bubs.

I've had braxton hicks galore over the last week. Bubs has been pushing down although it hasn't led to the head engaging yet.

I managed 2 school runs today and am now suffering and walking like a cowboy and quite sore on my pubic bone. My belly has dropped and is measuring smaller than last week.

Time has been flying by and hasn't slowed at all. Most people say how much the last few weeks seem to drag but it seems that just as soon as a week starts it's ending. I'm just wondering when Bubs will arrive.

I'm back at the midwife next Tuesday and I'm hoping we don't make that appointment but think I'm hoping just a little too much there.

So here's my 39 week belly photo

I'm measuring at 44 inches


  1. Good luck for when things start happening :)

    I loved the excitement of not knowing xx
